XEN 1.0 relationships meta data profile


As described in HTML4 Meta data profiles.


HTML4 definition of the 'rel' attribute. Here are some additional values, each of which can be used or omitted in any combination (unless otherwise noted, and except where prohibited by law) and their meanings, symmetry, transitivity and inverse if any.


Someone whom has a particular interest in defeating you and you in them. Symmetric. At most one.
Nemesis is now used as a term used to describe one's worst enemy. Sherlock Holmes and Professor Moriarty are examples of nemeses.
Someone who you are an enemy with. Often symmetric. Opposite of friend.
Someone who annoys you but not to the point of antagonism.


An evil twin is the concept in fiction of someone equal to a character in all respects, except for a radically inverted morality. Symmetric.
If the evil twin is literally a twin brother or sister, it should be combined with the XFN value of sibling.
The evil twin value can be applied to a version of yourself from an alternate universe or timeline. The Star Trek episode Mirror, Mirror contains the canonical example of an alternate universe evil twin. The presence of a goatee beard is often a dead giveaway.


Someone in the same field of study/activity with whom you are vying for recognition and/or advancement. Often symmetric.


Someone who makes you feel furious. Opposite of muse.
In Roman mythology, the furies were hideous snake-haired monsters from who pursued unpunished criminals.
People who infuriate you do not need to know you personally e.g. an incompetent president or a self-righteous rockstar.
Someone who instills a feeling of creepiness in you. Opposite of crush.
That guy.


XEN is an extension of XFN. Negative relationship terms have been omitted from XFN by design. The authors of XFN think that such values would not serve a positive ends and thus made the deliberate decision to leave them out. Please see the XFN home page for more information about XFN.

XEN values can be used in conjunction with microformats such as hCard, rel-nofollow and vote-links, specifically rev="vote-against".

Be aware that this goes on your permanent record. As with any HTML that is published, cached versions could for ever exist, so before you assert that your boss a bane to you, just think about how XFN as no temporal aspects. Don't say you haven't been warned!

The interesting byproduct of asserting these relationships correlates to the ancient proverb, "Any enemy of my enemy is my friend". By merging the XEN lists, it should be possible to generate XFN relationships on the fly based on shared enemies.

You can scan upcoming events to see if your enemies will be there and avoid accordingly.

XEN is not a microformat. It is a joke.
